How to add sermon speakers shortcode to page/post

To add sermons shortcode to your page simply click on a Sermon Speakers shortcode button, that can be found integrated in default editor panel in visual mode. See image below.
Please note, that blog shortcode and page have different design.



Sermon Speakers Settings

“Sermon Speaker” – you need to choose your sermons speaker here. If you don’t have any sermon posts and speakers yet, then you need to create them first, before adding Sermon Schedule shortcode.

“Sort by” – allows you to choose the order of speakers i.e by speaker name or by the number of assigned sermons to this speaker.

“Avatar Option” – Use this option to show/hide speaker avatar on frontend.

After you are done with settings, click “Insert” button.

Shortcode will be placed into content area, inside your editor. Exactly where the syntax is placed depends on where your cursor is. So don’t forget to place cursor in correct place in your content area, before adding shortcode.




[speakers category="45,49,51,50" sortby="count"]

[speakers category=”all” sortby=”count”]

You can also check an example of a page organized using Sermon Speakers Shortcodes here: SPEAKERS