Testimonials Settings

In Testimonials Settings section you can apply layout, sidebar for testimonials and testimonials listings and custom slugs. To edit testimonials settings, navigate to Theme Options -> Testimonials section in your dashboard.


Testimonials Listing Sidebar Settings

First two options control sidebar and its position on testimonials listings pages i.e. categories and search results. Our theme is scalable and can be used with or without sidebars.


Sidebar position for testimonials listing – allows you to choose whether your sidebar will be displayed at the left or right side or completely removed (full width).

Sidebar for testimonials listing – you can set custom sidebar that will be displayed on a testimonials listing page here. More info about sidebars can be found here: Setup sidebars

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Testimonials Sidebar Settings

Same as for testimonials listings, you can set sidebar and its position for single testimonials that will be set by default. Our theme scalable and can be used with or without sidebars.


Sidebar position for single testimonials – allows you to choose whether your sidebar will be displayed at the left or right side or completely removed (full width).

Sidebar for single testimonials – you can set custom sidebar that will be displayed on every newly created testimonial post by default. More info about sidebars can be found here: Setup sidebars

[notification type=”notification_info”]These settings can be overridden while adjusting any testimonial post directly. In this case you need to set testimonial post layout and the necessary sidebar in its metaboxes instead of “Use global” option. [/notification]

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Testimonials Slugs

Here you can set your custom slugs for single testimonials, and testimonials listings.


[notification type=”notification_warning”]Slugs can be changed but these fields cannot be empty because this is the way WordPress recognize a custom post type. In our case “Testimonials”.[/notification]

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